We are excited to announce the first ever FOP Caribbean Cruise! We will be sailing on the incredible Norwegian Joy in the Caribbean: Harvest Caye,Cozumel & Costa Maya from Miami. Our FOP Travel Agency, TravelPerks, has arranged a fantastic deal that
Premium beverages package (alcohol and non-alcohol)
Two nights of specialty dining
Special FOP events including a private cocktail party
All tips and Wi-Fi are included!
Many excursion options, both individual and group
Harvest Caye is a 7-acre island a few miles south of Belize and is voted one of the best cruise ports in the world and is part of the barrier reef, the largest reef system in the Western Hemisphere popular for snorkeling and scuba diving. Roatan is situated off the northern coast of Honduras and is considered a gem of the western Caribbean. Costa Maya and Cozumel, located in the Yucatan Peninsula, offer stunning beaches and crystal-
clear waters as well as a rich and fascinating history of ancient Mayan civilization.
We hope you will join fellow FOP brothers and sisters for a fun week in the sun in 2024! Family and friends welcome!
Click here for pricing and to register and reserve your cabin.
Click here to watch a video on this amazing ship - The Norwegian Joy